Friday, November 30, 2007

New Arrivals!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome Miley and Leland

Well our family and extended family has got lots to brag about now. Our second granddaughter was born on the 28th of November. Johnny and Savannah are the proud parents of a brand new 2007 model baby girl. Miley Elizabeth weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce and was 20 inches long. As grandparents we were there to check and make sure all of the features and parts arrived intact. I am proud to say they did! It always amazes me at how small newborns actually are and try to remember all of our kids when they were that small, which I cannot. Birth, yes. Size, no. anyway here are a couple of pics of the grand new arrival.

As you can see everyone seems to be happy with the outcome and in the true spirit of grandparents, we can now spoil them and then send them home!!!! Ashton cannt wait to get home for the holidays to see her new niece.

Also our good friends, extended family members, motorcycle riding buddies, and all-around good guys had their first grandson as well a few days earlier on November 24th Mike and Lisa received a special package named Leland. Leland was, according to the proud grandparents 6 pounds 3 ounces and 18.5 inches long. Here are a couple of pictures of the soon to be spoiled grandchild with the newly annointed grandparents:

You can tell from the pics that neither is very happy at all!!!! It was fun talking to Mike on the phone last night grandpa to grandpa....... Just remember Mike I have seniority. I mean I do have five. Alexis,Tallin, Aiden,Brayden, and now Miley you need to catch up! HEHEHE!

Well that is the news for now and I will endeavor to keep the posts coming at a bit more reasonable and timely rate.

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